Hydrangea macrophylla Colour Dream - Mophead Hydrangea

Product ref: S23169

Availability: In stock

This Mophead Hydrangea is a very unusual bicoloured shade, and is a steadfast reliable shrub that never fails to provide a long period of summer colour.

"Colour dream' is the right name for this Hydrangea, as it produces large mop heads of pink and white flowers that tinge to green over time. It has an added twist with each individual flower has a ruffled edge giving it a loose relaxed appearance. The flowers first appear in early summer and persist right though until the autumn, gradually turning to green. They are beautifully set off by the large ovate dark green leaves, as a bonus look out for the yellow autumnal colour.

The whole shrub is tidy and compact reaching around 120cms in height and width, Hydrangeas prefer a sheltered position out of very cold winds but are happy in all aspects. They require a clay or loamy soil that is free from water logging and are happiest in partial shade.

Hydrangeas are perfect for a woodland setting if you are lucky enough to have the space and they look great in drifts when planted in numbers, however they are incredibly versatile and can be grown in a container should your garden be on a balcony. A nice thick mulch of organic material should be applied in early spring around the base. Leave the dried flower heads on throughout winter as they make a great feature and prune back the frame to required size in the spring.

Supplied in approx. 7.5 litre nursery containers, these are substantial plants, very bushy and floriferous.

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