Wisteria Lane Butterfly Bush - Masses of Flowers - Large Specimen Buddleia Plant

Product ref: DEAL32459

Availability: In stock

The Buddleja that thinks it is a Wisteria! - The large, dense plants display an uncommon weeping habit with displays of long majestic flowers.

This most unusual and delightful butterfly bush infuses the back of a sunny border with the most amazing display of colour, name Wisteria Lane, this plant really does think it is a Wisteria with an unusual weeping habit that flourishes long, majestic rich-violet flower spikes throughout summer. A glorious addition to your garden, and a beacon to passing butterflies. The honey-scented flowers of this new and still quite rare butterfly bush are really long - up to 50cms - and they are pendent, so hang wisteria-like from the branches.

A relatively compact form, it can be grown in a large patio pot, but it also looks great - and will help attract loads of butterflies - in a mixed border or when used to create an informal screen.

Large plants in approx 5 litre containers, covered in buds and flowers in season.

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