Salvia nemerosa Caradonna - Deep Blue Hardy Salvia

Product ref: P10159-C1

Availability: In stock

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 12.97, today just 4.97 - Save £8!

Slender upright spires of rich blue-violet flowers on dark stems in early and mid-summer above wrinkled, mid-green leaves. This vibrant mid-border salvia is perfect for introducing a splash of a colour in a moist but well-drained border. It flourishes in sun or light dappled shade and is highly attractive to butterflies and bees, creating a summer-long, deep blue haze with the many flower-spikes that rise from densely-clumped stems of rough-textured, narrow-ovate foliage. Supplied in approx 2-3 litre containers, full of buds and flowers in season.

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 12.97, today just 4.97 - Save £8!

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