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Dahlia Cafe au Lait Rose

Product ref: BR23371

Availability: Out of stock

This is the Pink flowered form of the beloved 'Cafe au lait' - a wonderful dinnerplate dahlia with huge blooms that will make a striking summer centrepiece in the garden as well as providing a long season of cut flowers for the home. 


Dinnerplate dahlias are very popular with cut flower farmers, providing a long season of huge and luxurious blooms that will just repeat continuously from early summer right through to autumn – the more you pick, the more will grow in their place. Plus, with enormous flowers like these, all you need is a few stems make a fair-sized bouquet. Team them up with foliage or a selection of small but brighter blooms and you have a really exquisite display. They can of course be left on the plants to provide a magnificent garden display over the Dahlia season in the garden too. 


Supplied as a bare root tuber.

To plant them, dig a hole at least 20-30cm square and around 20-30cm deep for each one. Cover the base of the hole with 10cms of compost, or manure and give it a good dousing with a full watering can and then plant the dahlia at a depth of 15cms. You may need a stout stake, not just a bamboo cane, to support each plant and it is a good idea to knock this in first and then place the plant by its side. Plant in a sunny spot and keep moist yet well-drained. It will need to be lifted in winter - once the foliage dies back simply dig it up and store in a cool, frost free location.