Large Acer Japanese Maple Tree - Orido Nishiki (Asahi-zuru)

Product ref: T16113

Availability: In stock

Orido Nishiki is an absolutely breath taking Japanese Maple.

You'll be seduced by the magnificent foliage, for it is one of the very best variegated upright growing Acers available. Each Spring the new growth will emerge with an array of bright colours. Many Japanese maples change colour as the year progress, but this tree comes in the spring already displaying a multitude of different shades ranging from pink, green, red, cream and almost pure white. As the season goes on and more new growth appears the fireworks continue to explode.

An Acer such as this would make an ideal stand alone specimen plant, or could be used in a mixed border or woodland garden.

Try combining it will other Japanese Maples, rhododendrons, pieris and azaleas to create a really oriental feel. If you have a generous sized planter, it will also be very much at home, perfect for positioning in a variety of locations and used as an accent plant on patios and terraces. Supplied in approx 10 litre containers.

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