Large Specimen - Acer palmatum Osakazuki

Product ref: SP23349

Availability: In stock

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 299.99, today just 149.99 - Save £150!


Enjoy the mystery of this ancient Japanese acer and all visitors to your garden will be truly enchanted by its grace and beauty. Fresh from the Dragons Den, you really have just chanced upon a gem, that could have all too easily been lost in the mists of time. Ozakazuki will make an upright growing, robust tree that will be a perfect patio plant. It is a very old cultivar that is highly sought after for its outstanding Autumn colour. It grows rapidly in youth, then slows to mature gracefully. The large, seven-lobed palmate leaves turn an unmatched, intense crimson in the Autumn, it literally erupts in to colour, surely reminiscent of mount Fuji from its great home land. Over time in the garden it will form a large, sturdy tree. Full sun is preferred for best colour. Supplied in approx 20 litre containers.


SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 299.99, today just 149.99 - Save £150!

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