Begonia odorata mixed - Fragrant Mixture

Product ref: BR26396

Availability: Out of stock

Begonia odorata mixed - Fragrant Mixture is a lovely option that provides both a pleasant scent and aesthetic appeal. This blend comes in a range of colours, and each bloom releases a delicate, pleasant aroma that heightens the sensory experience in any garden. The flowers are ideal for beds, borders, and pots since they bloom profusely from the beginning of summer until the first frost. Their tints range from delicate pastels to vivid hues.

Begonia odorata should be planted in well-drained soil and, ideally, in a partially shaded area to protect it from the afternoon sun's full rays. Don't overwater; only enough moisture should be added to the soil. Regularly remove deadheads to promote new blooms. Combine this aromatic blend with other plants that thrive in shadow, such as Hostas or Ferns.


This Begonia is supplied as a special corm, ready to plant and grow away quickly, these are packed with energy and will bloom within weeks of planting - perfect for vivid displays in patio planters or hanging baskets, they're even happy in garden beds and borders too, providing a flamboyant display.