Begonia picotee Pink-white - Perfect for Tubs and Baskets

Product ref: BR26403

Availability: Out of stock

Begonia picotee Pink-white is a gorgeous variation whose pink blooms are rimmed in white, creating a striking visual contrast. This gorgeous flower cascades gracefully, which makes it a great option for hanging planters, baskets, and tubs. From early summer until the first signs of frost, the dual-toned petals give an elegant design that makes for a durable and endearing display.

To shield the delicate colours from intense sunshine, plant Begonia picotee Pink-white in well-drained soil and place it in a somewhat shaded area. Make sure the soil is regularly moist, and to encourage new growth, deadhead faded blossoms. This cultivar enhances the delicate pink and white tones for a stunning combination with other plants that have silver or blue leaves, such as Silver Falls or Blue Lobelia.


This Begonia is supplied as a special corm, ready to plant and grow away quickly, these are packed with energy and will bloom within weeks of planting - perfect for vivid displays in patio planters or hanging baskets, they're even happy in garden beds and borders too, providing a flamboyant display.