Fuchsia Matt Busby - Double Flowered Trailing Fuchsia

Product ref: PP26206

Availability: In stock

Named in honour of the great football manager, the lovely double-flowered trailing cultivar is called Fuchsia 'Matt Busby'. It has vivid blooms with dark purple petals and deep crimson sepals that contrast exquisitely. This variety's trailing branches can create a spectacular cascade over garden walls, or it can be used to add a dash of colour and elegance to hanging baskets and pots.

'Matt Busby' thrives in full to partial shade and likes a chilly, damp spot. For optimal growth and flowering, well-drained soil and steady rainfall are needed. Steer clear of the midday sun to keep the plant alive and the blossoms from fading. Throughout the flowering season, regular application of a high-potash liquid fertiliser will encourage more vigorous and continuous blooms.

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