Cortaderia selloana Splendid Star - Dwarf Golden Pampas Grass

Product ref: G7J008

Availability: In stock

A startling new introduction with bright yellow and green foliage. This horticultural first, is the only fully hardy, dwarf golden pampas and quite unique, with golden streaked leaves that stay on the plant all year. Elegant white flower plumes are produced in late summer. Tolerant of a wide range of conditions, and easy to grow, it does best in a sunny or semi-shaded spot on well-drained soil. A great credit to its name, it is ideal for many uses in the garden, where it will grow in an attractive pot on the patio or balcony (looks fantastic in blue-glazed terracotta), but can also be an outstanding feature in borders or in small groups. It will grow to a height of approx 50-70cms out of plume, with these soaring above the foliage to as much as 90-120cms. Supplied in an approx 5 Litre container.
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