Hedera helix 'Golden Kolibri' - English Variegated Ivy

Product ref: C25490

Availability: In stock

A versatile and stunning evergreen climber, ‘Golden Kolibri’ adds a twist of eye-catching colour to the ordinary English Ivy. This plant displays triangular to heart-shaped leaves and are irregularly splashed with golden yellow edges, which contrasts amazingly against the dark green base. Standing out against the reddish stems this foliage remains all year round and provides a great screen of colour to bring out the vibrancy of surrounding plants. ‘Golden Kolibri’ also has delicate touches making it well suited as a houseplant but also beautiful when planted at the back of a mixed border. 


‘Golden Kolibri’ is a very low maintenance plant able to thrive in full sun, partial shade or full shade. It is also drought tolerant, able to grow in moist or well-drained soil but it is not fully hardy so should be sheltered from cold winds.

Supplied in approx. 2 litre containers. 

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