Large 5-6 ft Specimen Climbing Rose - Rosa Guirlande Rose

Product ref: SP26332

Availability: Out of stock

A delightful climbing rose type, Rosa 'Guirlande Rose' adorns any garden with its lovely, pale pink blossoms. Large clusters of semi-double flowers are produced by this prolific bloomer from late spring to autumn, providing a lengthy season of pleasure. This rose is well-known for its prolific blossoming behaviour. The delicate, pleasant scent that the flowers give off enhances the visual appeal of the arrangement. 'Guirlande Rose' has a robust growth habit and can grow up to 3 metres in height, which makes it ideal for training over fences, trellises, or arbours to provide beautiful vertical interest.

This type of rose grows best in full sun and likes soil that is rich, damp, and well-drained. Its health may be preserved, and its capacity for blooming may increase with annual feeding and regular watering.Â