Rhododendron 'Leo'

Product ref: S13050

Availability: Out of stock

This hardy hybrid Rhododendron will stand out wherever it is grown and give your garden an exotic touch. A late flowering Rhododendron, from May to June ‘Leo’ bears stunning and incredibly large deep-red trumpet shaped flowers, which are held in sizable terminal clusters. This vibrant display of colour is elegantly elevated by the shrubs' bright green, lance shaped leaves that remain all year round. It has a rounded, compact habit and a total height and spread of 2 metres. The flamboyant flowers combined with its attractive form makes it well suited for specimen planting in a container planting scheme, however it is equally effective when placed in a mixed border. 


A relatively hardy specimen, ‘Leo’ can establish in exposed or sheltered gardens and prefers full sun or partial shade. In order to encourage growth and flowering we recommend planting this in partial shade and acidic, moist but well-drained soil. 

Supplied in chunky 5 litre containers.