Helleborus Collection of FIVE Orientalis Hellebore Plants

Product ref: DEAL16048

Availability: Out of stock

Hellebores are easy to grow plants that thrive in partial or even full shade. They make excellent plants to use around the base of shrubs and trees to provide valuable and intriguing winter interest with their diverse variety of flower colours and forms.


This collection has been specially selected to give you FIVE fantastic plants, selected at random as a lucky dip mix from the wide selection we grow on our nursery, including the rarer and highly sought colours that are often very hard to find or expensive. We have limited quantities, so please be sure to order your collection quickly.


These plants have dark green, leathery leaves, each having seven to nine-fingered leaflets. From midwinter to mid-spring the large, saucer-shaped flowers are produced on the singled flowered types, or ruffled pleated pom-poms on the double flowered forms.

This collection of colours may include, but is not restricted to:

Double Red
Double Yellow Spotted
Double Pink Spotted
Yellow Spotted
Pink Spotted
White Spotted
Plum Purple
Single Red

and more!

Pack of FIVE Hellebores, lovely, highly sought plants, this is a great value way to start a collection. Supplied in approx 1 litre containers, our chunky plants will burst in to life and bloom as soon as the temperatures start to rise and day length increase as we come out of winter, although they are equally happy poking their heads through the snow if we get it!

Perfect for adding brightness and garden interest when little else is showing colour, plant these now to guarantee the beautiful flowers every winter.

Available Whilst stocks last!!
