Tomato Plant Beefsteak Super Marmande

Product ref: VEG26030

Availability: In stock

The beefsteak tomato variety 'Super Marmande' is well known for its big, ribbed fruits that have a traditional, hearty tomato flavour tinged with sweetness. Because of its meaty texture, this heirloom cultivar is highly prized and ideal for slicing onto sandwiches, adding to salads, or being used in gourmet meals. The fruits are remarkably huge and have a unique, slightly asymmetrical shape.

Planting "Super Marmande" next to basil or borage will help it grow and taste better while keeping pests away. It likes a sunny place in the garden with rich soil that drains easily. A plentiful crop requires regular watering, especially as the fruits ripen, and feeding with a high-potassium fertiliser on a regular basis. 

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